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How much should I charge my clients?
Updated over a week ago

‘How much should I charge for credit repair services?’ ‘What’s the best pricing/business model for credit repair?’ These are common concerns when starting a credit repair business. This article shares valuable pointers that we’ve seen work again and again for our customers.

Table of contents:

How much should I charge my clients?

The sky's the limit, but in this business, you might actually make more by charging less. Remember, the goal is to "scale" your business. How do you do that? Slowly and methodically, with reasonable pricing, good service, and happy clients who pay you for your service and tell their friends.

How can I calculate potential earnings?

Run this Credit Repair Business ROI Calculator and run some pricing projections!

Recurring revenue

The fastest way to accumulate wealth is with recurring revenue. A credit repair business is an affordable startup. It's also an easy business to scale because the work per client is minimal and it's a traditional recurring revenue business.

Here's the secret to recurring revenue:

  • If you keep your existing "paying" clients happy…

  • And you continue to add new clients each month…

  • Your revenue will increase every month!

You, and not CRC, will have sole responsibility to review your marketing and collection efforts relating to the services you provide. Also, you, and not CRC, must confirm that your marketing and receipt of fees are compliant with applicable state and federal laws.

If you solicit from or service customers outside of the state where you reside, you must comply with the Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”). For more information regarding the TSR, you can visit the FTC's website: CRC's statements are not legal advice. You should seek legal advice to ensure compliance.

Credit Repair Cloud requires that all customers comply with the TSR and any other applicable laws and regulations to continue using its software.

Payment/pricing models for Credit Repair companies

There are two primary payment models that most credit repair companies use to charge for their services:

  • Monthly

  • Pay-Per-Delete

Let’s talk about each one of these models, but first be aware that you cannot charge fees before you complete credit repair work, therefore, understanding these two models is critical to your success.

You, and not CRC, will have sole responsibility to review your marketing and collection efforts relating to the services you provide. Also, you, and not CRC, must confirm that your marketing and receipt of fees are compliant with applicable state and federal laws.

If you solicit from or service customers outside of the state where you reside, you must comply with the Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”). For more information regarding the TSR, you can visit the FTC's website: CRC's statements are not legal advice. You should seek legal advice to ensure compliance.

Credit Repair Cloud requires that all customers comply with the TSR and any other applicable laws and regulations to continue using its software.

Monthly subscription model

Nearly all of the most successful credit repair businesses charge a recurring monthly subscription. Many charge as low as $59 and some as high as $179 or more; but we believe $99 is a good middle ground to make it affordable and remain profitable.

Generally speaking, most credit repair companies charge a “setup fee” after the setup work has been completed, then they typically charge a “monthly fee” after the previous monthly work has been completed. So, with this being said if you are considering using the monthly billing model, our recommendation is to charge close to $99 setup and $99 per month!

Pay-per-delete model

This billing model may be challenging but can work great once you get it rolling. Most credit repair companies that use this model charge a setup fee, then a specific fee amount for each type of deletion.

Keep in mind, with the “Pay-Per-Delete” model, if you’re good at what you do and achieve a high number of deletions, the client can end up owing you a large number of fees. If you expect to collect all of it at once, you will likely be disappointed because clients generally will not have the funds available. To avoid problems collecting payment, we recommend discussing this with your client beforehand and planning ahead by only working on certain items at a single time.

Looking through the lens of the Client

Choosing the billing model that is right for you is a personal decision, but if you look at it from the client's perspective - they simply want to pay a reasonable, affordable and predictable fee for much-needed service. We encourage you to discuss this in our Facebook Community with others that have experimented and found just the right recipe for success.

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