Enabling the SSL certificate for your website is an important process to provide a secure browsing experience to your visitors. SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer, which is an encryption method used to protect the information that will be sent through your website.
SSL certificates, in general, are used to secure online transactions, logins, and personal information. When you first create your website, SSL will need to be enabled for the first time.
Important Note
This process is critical to get your merchant account approved, so you are able to collect payments from your clients. We invite you to enable this feature by following the steps outlined below.
Table of contents:
To start, make sure you have the following:
Accessing the Site Builder
Go to the login page for My Credit Repair Site
Enter your email and password and click Login
Click on Edit Site under the My Sites section
Click on Edit Site in the top right corner
Welcome to the Site Builder!
Enabling SSL for your Website
Click on Settings at the top
Click on Publish at the top right corner
Doing this will push all your changes to your live website. Before publishing, we do recommend previewing all pages to make sure that they are set up as you want. Every time you want to push changes to your live website, remember to hit the Publish button inside your Sitebuilder!
Security Warnings
You will see security warnings on your site when you first publish it. Don't freak out. This is normal. It will take up to 24 hours (after you publish) for the Free SSL to be installed. After that, the security warnings will disappear.
What you can do now: