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Self-Service Client Signup Page
Self-Service Client Signup Page
Updated over 6 months ago

We are excited to announce the release of our Self-Service Client Signup Page to help you jumpstart your client-capturing efforts. Credit Repair Cloud is fully committed to providing TSR-compliant tools to help promote and grow your business.

In this article, you will learn about:

To start, make sure you have the following:

What is the Self-Service Client Signup Page?

Introducing the Self-Service Client Signup Page, a ready-to-use, TSR-compliant, and customizable web page designed to jumpstart your client-capturing efforts. On this page, clients will be able to sign up for your credit repair services seamlessly. With its unique URL, the Self Service Client Signup Page lets you share your credit repair business with those leads who are ready to sign up for your service.

The purpose of a Self-Service Client Signup Page is to capture your clients' information, such as their name and email address, and most importantly, to have them sign up for one of your billing plans. Their information is collected through the signup form and automatically added to your CRC contacts as a Client.

How can I share it with my potential clients?

Here's how you can share your Self-Service Client Signup Page with potential clients:

  1. Click on My Company.

  2. Click on Self-Service Client Signup Page.​

  3. Click on Copy URL.​

  4. Share this link with your clients via your preferred method (email, instant message, etc.).

How can I customize my Self-Service Client Signup Page?

You can edit the following elements on your Self-Service Client Signup Page:

Billing Plan Options

  • Billing Plans

    The first 3 billing plans that have been created will automatically populate here. You can remove/add plans as needed by clicking the Add/Remove Billing Plans button. There is a maximum of 3 plans that can be displayed in this section.

    Selected plans will be presented to potential clients. They will have the option to choose from the billing plans and services you provide.

  • Display Credit Monitoring Fee

    This feature informs clients that there will be an additional credit monitoring fee when enabled. This feature should be disabled if the fee is included in your billing plan.

    When enabled, this is the checkbox disclaimer that will appear when your clients are checking out:

  • Client Agreement

    Match your billing plan with the corresponding client agreement in the dropdown.

  • Plan Benefits/Offers

    Click on Open To Edit to expand the options for a billing plan.​

    These are the benefits your clients receive if they sign up for this billing plan. Showing at least three benefits per plan is mandatory. A max of ten benefits per plan can be displayed. The benefits list will be auto-populated with default text, but you can edit this text as desired.​

Other Customizable Elements:

  • Offer a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

    Enabling this option will add a 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee graphic to your page.

    This is the graphic that will be added to your page:

  • Company Logo

    Click on Upload Image to select a file on your device.

    Maximum upload file size: 2MB

  • Profile Picture

    Click on Upload Image to select a file on your device.

    This picture can be turned on/off as needed.

  • Text in the About section

    Located in the About section right under the Company Logo and Profile Photo.

    Simply click on the text box to start editing as needed.

    Click on Reset text to default to revert to the default About text.

How can I publish the changes performed to my Self-Service Client Signup Page?

To push any changes performed to your Page’s Settings into the live page, click on the Publish Changes button.

Can I unpublish or “turn off” my Self-Service Client Signup Page?

If you ever need to pause or take down your signup page, you can turn it off by following these steps:

  1. Click on My Company.

  2. Click on Self-Service Client Signup Page.

  3. Click on the Enable Self-Service Client Signup switch as needed.

Download the TSR Compliance Checklist

We’ve created a TSR Compliance Checklist to help you understand what to do to remain TSR-compliant.

To continue using Credit Repair Cloud and our services, you are required to ensure that you are fully compliant with the TSR.

The checklist provides step-by-step guidance on the things you should avoid doing, along with actions you must proactively take today to help ensure compliance.

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